Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So I have decided to try my hand at couponing. Yep that's right, I'm gonna be a coupon mom! I'm going to be that person just ahead of you in the check out line fishing for the right coupon! Okay, I promise to be organized. Okay, I promise to try to be organized. So stay tuned, if I figure out how to save a crap load of money I will share my secrets! It's how I roll.
I am also still planning on teaching myself (and by myself I of course mean my mom) to sew. The plan is to make great stuff and sell it on Etsy or somewhere like that. I am also teaching myself (and this time I really do mean myself) to knit, and for those of you keeping tabs . . . its not going great. Turns out I'm not super good with my hands and two needles. Crocheting is way easier. I'm just sayin. But I am still trying in between bottles and diaper changes. And speaking of . . . I smell something suspicious. Gotta go.

1 comment:

  1. I am a fellow couponer as well! Let me know if you have questions and check out slavetosave.blogspot.com she's the best!
